Our Services

Lost Person Searches
Colchester Ground Search and Rescue searches for lost, missing, despondent and/or injured individuals and groups of all ages in all terrain and weather that Nova Scotia has to offer.
Remote Rescue Operations
Colchester Ground Search and Rescue performs and/or assists in the evacuation of injured or in peril persons in remote and difficult terrain where specialized training and equipment are required to safely bring the individual to the medical help they require.

Evidence Searches
When called upon Colchester Ground Search and Rescue assists the RCMP in evidence searches throughout the province of Nova Scotia.
Civil Response
In emergencies Colchester Ground Search and Rescue can be called upon to assist in Civil Response incidents such as, flood evacuations, sandbagging, traffic control, and mass casualty incidents.

Public Education
Colchester Ground Search and Rescue at times provides public education opportunities to promote safe wilderness activities. This includes Hug-A-Tree, Adventure Smart, Map & Compass & GPS, Wilderness First Aid.
Fill out, save and E-mail completed form to team@colchestersar.ca
Public Event Services
Colchester Ground Search and Rescue offers various public event services such as First Aid, Medical First Response, traffic control and parade marshalling. Please send your request atleast 30 days ahead of your event using the form below.
Fill out, save and E-mail completed form to team@colchestersar.ca

A Unique Volunteer Opportunity
Gain wilderness survival skills and enjoy the rewarding feeling of helping the Lost person!
CGSARA home base is located at 73 Ventura Drive, Debert Nova Scotia, This building houses vehicles, and equipment storage, offices, kitchen, and training classroom. The team, with permission of the landowner, also takes full advantage of the surrounding wilderness areas to conduct valuable training. The team is one of the larger teams in the Nova Scotia Ground Search and Rescue Association’s central zone, with its main area of primary responsibility being Colchester County. This team has been continually deployed upon request to all parts of the province, assisting in all functions at larger search operations.
73 Ventura Dr, Debert, NS Mailing Address: PO Box 301, Debert, NS, B0M 1G0